速報APP / 生產應用 / NotePad - Simple, Customizable, Free

NotePad - Simple, Customizable, Free





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




NotePad - Simple, Customizable, Free(圖1)-速報App

It is a free note pad that can record the subject and contents for each note.

You can customize various settings such as changing the size and color of the text, the background color, the order of arrangement.

You can also link to mail etc. and export / import to a file.

■ Key Features

- Save multiple notes

- Display count of characters

- Change font size

- Change character color and background color (selection / code input)

- Setting the list order

NotePad - Simple, Customizable, Free(圖2)-速報App

- Set display items (body, number of characters, update date and time) in the list

- Set height of the list

- Confirmation when data is not saved

- Export to file (backup)

- Import (restore) from file

- Link note with e-mail or LINE etc. (share)

- Record updated date and time for each note

- Delete all notes

■ About exporting / importing to files

NotePad - Simple, Customizable, Free(圖3)-速報App

You can export the note data recorded in the internal DB to a file.

Please use it when you want to capture a large amount of data collectively from the time of terminal change, backup, PC etc etc.

The storage location of the file is set as an individual application directory specified by Android OS.

(/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.yatapone.notepad/files/NotePad_backup.txt etc.)

The same file is used when importing.

The format of the file to be exported / imported is a tab character (\t) separating the subject, contents, update date and time and the number of characters,

Tab characters are divided into two (\t\t) and newlines (\n) for separating records for each note.



NotePad - Simple, Customizable, Free(圖4)-速報App




Updated date and time are in epoch milliseconds (Unix time, 1970/01/01 00: 00 standard).

If it is unnecessary, there is no problem even if it is empty.

■ About permissions

· Display of network connection → Use for displaying advertisement

· Full access to the network → Use for displaying advertisements

· Read content of USB storage → Use for export / import of Android 4.1 to 4.3 terminals

NotePad - Simple, Customizable, Free(圖5)-速報App

· Change or delete contents of USB storage → Use for export / import of Android 4.1 to 4.3 terminals

■ Release Notes

// ver.1.9.0 release (2018/10/14)

- Fix to enable capitalization of first letter of each sentence

This feature is effective if you turned on that setting in Google Keyboard.

// ver.1.8.0 release (2018/09/23)

- Add Privacy Policy

// ver.1.7.0 release (2018/07/16)

- Update Android libraries

NotePad - Simple, Customizable, Free(圖6)-速報App

- Improve internal processing

- English version support

// ver.0.0.1 release (2017/03/16)

- First edition release

NotePad - Simple, Customizable, Free(圖7)-速報App